
Teacher's Manual Sample

The following is a small section of the Teacher's Manual. This online sample starts in the 11th hour of instruction… Click here to return to the teacher's manual page.

Hour Subject Lecture, Discussion, Exercises
11. Study Skills: Study Aids

PDF of Study Aids Knowledge Module

Lecture / Discussion / Exercises:

  • Follow headers through LASSI Study Aids module, highlighting and briefly explaining each Aid.
  • Form groups of 4 or 5 students, hosting a discussion on how their Sensory Learning Style types may affect their choice of study aids.

Assignments for next session:

  1. Take DISC assessment
  2. Read Communication Knowledge Module
12. DISCover Yourself

Introduction to the DISC assessment

DISC Behavior Styles

Take DISC Assessment in class, or pre-assign it as homework to be complete before attending this session.

Lecture / Discussion / Exercises:

  • Watch DISC DVD
  • Begin general discussion about test results (show example of a DISC assessment result)

Interactive schools: Coaches, solicit feedback from students with the question: What are the 2 most important qualities you would like to pass on to your children? (Or a similar values-revealing question.) During the next session, feature anonymous student answers and discuss how these insights may give clues to each student's type.

13. DISCover Yourself

DISC Behavior Styles

Request that students bring their full DISC results to class

Lecture / Discussion / Exercises:

  • General Discussion about DISC types
  • How could this affect:
    • Job Interviews
    • Meeting with an instructor
    • Meeting new people
14. DISCover Yourself

DISC Behavior Styles

Lecture / Discussion / Exercises:

  • Speed-Reading DISC types
  • Students answer a brief questionnaire and partner with other students to attempt speed-reading.

Create dialogues for students to read in class, acting out the parts. Have other students identify the DISC types of the characters. Alternatively, create scenarios for students to improvise with. Give each "actor" a card with one of the major DISC types and they must play the role as that type. Have other students try to speed read the types.

15. DISCover Yourself

DISCussions on DISC types

Lecture / Discussion / Exercises:

  • Encourage students to discus how their DISC type may tie-in to their Sensory learning style.
  • What famous characters or television personalities can they easily pinpoint as a particular DISC type?
  • Continue to practice using Role-Playing, with students adjusting their communication styles for different DISC types. Ask students to suggest a situation or questions for role-playing. Alternatively, put together video clips from movies or online videos and have students identify the DISC types.
  • Hand out or place the following on an overhead for this role-playing exercise

Assignments for next session:

  1. Read Attitude Study Skills Learning Module
16. Attitude

Lecture Format:

Follow headers in Attitude section of study skills. SKIP indecision section if using this material for session 18.

Discussion / Exercises:

  • Discuss attitude and how it affects graduation rates, grades, and extracurricular activities.
  • For schools that use the LASSI Assessment, discuss why students may have scored low, or high.
  • Journaling exercise (or class discussion): Why are you in school?
  • What is your attitude about being in college?

Interactive schools: Coaches can respond to journaling exercises and solicit questions from students about low scores in LASSI Attitude Assessment.

17. Attitude

Lecture format / Discussion / Exercises:

Students can complete the Attitude Exercise from this module in-class [ Att.pdf ] . Alternately, pre-assign and ask students to bring results to this class session.

  • Option A: Form groups of 4 or 5 students and have them discuss the attitude exercise. If possible, spend time sitting with each group discussing their results.
  • Option B: Journaling exercise - Students write about how their attitude about certain subjects was formed, and how they may overcome it.

Interactive schools: Coaches can respond to student journals

18. Indecision

Lecture Format:

Follow Indecision headers

Discussion / Exercises:

  • Attitude Adjustments - Indecision Discussion
  • Getting what you want by knowing what you want
  • Ask for a show of hands or survey students to determine how many have not decided on a major
  • Ask for a show of hands or survey students who feel certain about their major
  • Ask for a show of hands or survey students to determine how many may have declared a major but remain unsure of their decision

Journaling exercise: Ask students to write about a time when hard work and determination paid off for them. Alternately, they can partner with someone and share their experiences.

19. Stress Management

Lecture / Discussion / Exercises:

  • PDF of Stress Management
  • General Discussion following points and overheads
  • Stress and the effects of stress

General Adaptation Syndrome

Class discussion/Journaling exercise: Ask students to write about times when they may have learned to quit, or times when they successfully learned to manage in the face of stress. Ask them to identify exactly how they will respond to:

  1. Academic Stress
  2. Time Pressure Stress
  3. Other stressors they may be prone to (family pressure, social isolation, cultural identity, etc.)

The previous content is just a small section of the Teacher's Manual. The complete manual offers 48 hours of lesson plan ideas. Click here to return to the teacher's manual page.